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Common Types of Fever in India

Unimarck Pharma Awares About The Common Types of Fever in India

Fever is a common occurrence among people. Whether you are chronically ill, or about to fall ill or have caught an infection– fever is always an adjunct part of it. We all know what is fever and what our body actually goes through. The body temperature increases when it is exposed to some viral or bacterial infections, dehydration, heat exhaustion, or some other inflammatory conditions.

Also, they can result due to certain side effects of treatments or medications like antibiotics and some drugs treating seizures and hypertension. Fevers are kind of normal but can make the lives of the sufferer difficult. Though some fevers can be cured by counter medications and herbal approaches. Let us explore more about different fevers.

Intermittent Fever

A condition in which the body remains at 37° C during the day but rises during the night. As the word implies, “intermittent”- this means that the fever comes and goes. The medical experts say that the common cause of this type of fever is a bacterial or parasitic infection. For instance, diseases like septicemia and malaria are some classic examples. Further, this type of fever can be categorized under quartan fever, tertian fever, and quotidian fever.

Quartan Fever

A fever that occurs in the interval of 3 days (72 hours periods). It is typically caused due to Plasmodium Malariae.

Tertian Fever

A fever that occurs in an interval of 2 days (48 hours period). It is typically caused due to Plasmodium Vivax and Plasmodium Ovale.

Quotidian Fever

Fevers occur in bouts daily within a 24 hours period for about a few hours. Typically, it occurs due to Plasmodium Knowlesi.

Sudden Fever

As the word suggests, a sudden increase in body temperature means sudden fever. It accompanies several other discomforts like tiredness, fatigue, body ache, and headache. Dengue fever, one of the examples of sudden fever- is one of the most recognized ones.

Unimarck Pharma Awares About Common Types of Fever in India

Continuous Fever

This is one of the conditions in which the temperature of the body rises a little and remains constant throughout the day. It remains a tad bit above the nominal level of body temperature the entire day. However, the fever doesn’t fluctuate more than 1° C. Medical experts say that such a fever is caused by bacteria. Also, it is associated with several other health concerns like Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Pneumonia, and typhoid fever.

Remittent Fever

Almost the same as continuous fever, it is exhibited when the temperature of the body rises and remains high throughout the day. However, this fever can fluctuate more than 1° C. This remittent fever occurs due to bacterial infections such as brucellosis or a medical condition called infective endocarditis. It causes inflammation in the heart tissues. Remittent fever is Diagnosed based upon the clinical history of the patient as well as blood tests, blood culture, and chest X-ray. Examples of remittent fever include Typhoid, Brucellosis, Infective Endocarditis.

Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic Fever occurs due to streptococcal bacteria. Medical experts say that the bacteria cause throat infection and if left untreated, it can accompany painful fever with it. Spots occur on the tonsils and tongue along with inflammation and headache. These are some of the common symptoms of rheumatic fever. This fever involves joints, skin, heart, and brain. It is an inflammatory disorder that occurs because the tissues of the body attack its own cells. And, this reaction spreads widely throughout the body and this is the base for all the symptoms of rheumatic fever.

Final Thoughts

Whenever you feel a slight rise in your temperature, measure it with a thermometer, and analyze whether you need to visit a doctor or not. Usually, our body tends to raise our temperature in order to fight off infections. You may take up a mild antipyretic (one that treats fever, like Paracetamol). Or, visit the doctor to get an effective and on-time treatment so that the fever doesn’t worsen. Generally, it can be cured with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory treatment methods along with bed rest, and restricted activities. Until and unless any major signs or symptoms show up, bed rest is a must!


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