Mental and neurological disorders cause more than 10% of all diseases. A rush in people’s life activities has been observed in India due to increased everyone’s financial needs. This has directly impacted people’s mental health, leading to the emergence of several severe psychological diseases daily.
This causes mental depression and anxiety, as well as a loss in productivity that costs the global economy $1 trillion per year. People in low-income countries are devoid of treatments for mental illnesses and receive no treatment at all. This is all due to a lack of awareness for identifying disease on a mental level, which is expected to be accelerated in a physical form sooner.
In this article, we will learn to give more attention to our mental health by considering necessary precautions to combat the mental health issues arising these days. Also, to keep our mental health in check we must move towards taking special initiatives for mental health care.
Five Fundamentals One must adhere to keep up with mental health
Avoiding alcohol
Alcohol is a small molecule that can easily cross membrane barriers that reach several parts of the brain very quickly. This highly activates the brain for some time but gradually depresses the central nervous system for a longer time. Frequent cycles of this contract brain tissues and destroy brain cells. Excessive consumption of alcohol causes serious problems in brain cognition and memory over a prolonged period of consumption.
Consuming healthy food
We are all aware that a healthy diet has a significant impact on our mental health, which promotes greater alertness and mental clarity. According to studies, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and different nuts and seeds improve focus and attention span. On the other hand, a poor diet can cause fatigue and poor decision-making, which slows down brain reactions leading to stress and depression in the body. Food is therefore a crucial component that cannot be overlooked when it comes to improving mental functioning.
Boost oxygen to deal with mental stress
The stress and mental fatigue that cause brain damage are reduced by increasing oxygen levels. Because oxygen sends nerve signals that activate healthy hormones and chemicals in the body that help treat several mental disorders. As a result, the body experiences decreased stress levels, increased energy, and improved mental clarity. Running, walking, practicing yoga, dancing, cycling, and simple breathing are all forms of exercise that help to increase the body’s supply of oxygen to elevate our mental health.
Become more mindful
Mindfulness is considered one of the beneficial steps toward mental wellness. This is achieved through various mindful exercises like meditation, breathing, and yoga which help to pay attention to the present moment. Through these exercises, brain cells are trained to increase mental awareness of their thought process, feelings, and body sensations to manage their life better.
Make time for social interactions
Spending quality time in social interactions leaves you refreshed and jovial. This intrigues the human social chemosignal or pheromone in humans. Molecules inside the body produced by a person while socializing can change behaviors in themselves and the people around them. Mental health through socialism constitutes a psychological state of the neuroendocrine system which leads to increased lifespans and stronger immune systems.
Unimarck Pharma (I) Limited is a well-established brand among pharmaceutical companies that has taken several initiatives to contribute to the overall well-being of people including their mental wellness. We have been actively engaged in producing and facilitating medications for neuropathy and neuro problems which in turn benefit people’s mental health via pharmaceutical therapy.